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Notice Board


Members are reminded not to use the Green when unfit. (Rule 11 applies)

Please use the protective Mats provided for the Green when the Green surface is soft (better safe than sorry)


 Members are reminded to pay their annual subscriptions ASAP.

Club Shirts and Rain Jackets.

We are currently looking at a new kit so could all members please submit their sizes to Kerry Marriott (Ladies) or Geoff Gaunt (Men)

*** Leicester City Match Day Parking ***

Our Car park is available for parking on Match Days to anyone who wishes to use it on a first come basis at a cost of £5.

Club members are not required to pay but may make a donation if they wish to

Social Events

Quiz night Friday 24th March 2023



06/03/23 - Management Committee Meeting

03/04/23 - Management Committee Meeting

01/05/23 - Management Committee Meeting

05/06/23 - Management Committee Meeting

03/07/23 - Management Committee Meeting

07/08/23 - Management Committee Meeting

04/09/23 - Management Committee Meeting

02/10/23 - Management Committee Meeting

17/11/23 - Club AGM



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